Fertility & Lifespan Medical Institute

Fertility Specialist & Reproductive Endocrinologist located in San Diego, CA

Our Institute is a national leader in IVF and reproductive medicine

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Check out some of Dr. Brody's videos with discussions and tips regarding fertility and reproductive endocrinology. 


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Steven A. Brody, M.D., Ph.D. is the Medical Director of “Fertility and Lifespan Medical Institute” in San Diego. As a Reproductive Endocrinologist and GYN, he specializes in infertility, PCOS, hormone imbalances, and IVF.

Academic Achievements

Dr. Brody has authored two textbooks, one at Stanford, and one with a Nobel Prize winner from Cambridge, entitled “Principles and Practice of Assisted Human Reproduction.” His professional career is highlighted by the following:

  • M.D. degree from Washington University in St. Louis
  • Internal Medicine training at Yale University School of Medicine
  • Ob-Gyn Residency at Stanford University Medical Center
  • Former, Ass’t Professor at Baylor College of Medicine, and N.I.H. researcher

Steven A. Brody, M.D., Ph.D. is the only doctor in the U.S. who has attained prior Board Certifications in four distinct specialty areas including Internal Medicine, Endocrinology & Metabolism, Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility.

Clinical Expertise

Dr. Brody offers the kind of care and expertise that comes from a leading clinician in the U.S.--gleaned from years of medical practice. Many of his patients have stayed with him long after their fertility treatments because of the trusting relationships they developed with him. He has expanded his practice to include care for menopausal women, integrative medicine, and the use of bioidentical hormones.

International Reputation

Dr. Brody served as Lieutenant Commander (surgeon) in the U.S. Public Health Service. He was formerly an Assistant Clinical Professor at UCSD in La Jolla, and he has published numerous medical research studies. He is an international speaker, having lectured in several countries, including Peru, Colombia, Eastern Europe, and Japan. Steven A. Brody, M.D., Ph.D. is the best trained specialist in the U.S. No one can match Dr. Brody’s credentials. On a personal level, Dr. Brody is proud of his children and his sweet grandson.

Contact Dr. Brody

For a compassionate physician who works with you to overcome infertility and treat any reproductive disorders, contact Dr. Brody. Call the office at 858-216-2127, or book an appointment online today.

Dr. Brody’s textbooks:

“Principles and Practice of Assisted Human Reproduction” by Robert G. Edwards, Steven A. Brody
Link to Amazon Page

“Endocrine Disorders in Pregnancy” by Steven A. Brody, Kent Ueland
 Link to Amazon Page



We accept the majority of health insurance plans. Please call our office if you do not see yours listed or have any other quesitons.

Blue Cross Blue Shield
Blue Shield
United Healthcare

Unexplained Infertility? What are the causes?

Couples frequently ask their physician why they are not getting pregnant.  It is not infrequent for the wife to be told by her Ob-Gyn or infertility specialist that "everything is fine" and the chance of pregnancy looks good.  If several months go by without conception, the situation becomes extremely more frustrating.

Unexplained infertility affects about one out of eight couples (12%) who are trying to conceive.  With modern advances in the evaluation and diagnosis of reproductive disorders, we now know that the true incidence of unexplained infertility is much lower, probably on the order of five percent or less. At our Institute we find that less than 2% percent of patients have true. unexplained infertility. We can work with couples to identify any and all factors leading to reduced fertility.

Unexplained infertility is seen in situations where the wife has normal ovulatory function, no apparent endometriosis, patent tubes, and normal cervical mucous; and the husband's sperm count appears to be normal, and tests of sperm function all appear to be within the normal range.  

Virtually all cases of unexplained infertility will usually be due to one of the following three problems:

  1. Failure of ovum pickup
  2. Failure of fertilization
  3. Failure of implantation

In many cases these problems overlap and may be coincident. Furthermore, the presence of subfertility in each partner may result in infertility in the couple, despite apparently adequate reproductive function in each partner. At our center. We do the detective work to find out why a couple is not getting pregnant. With this approach, we find out that the vast majority of cases of unexplained infertility can actually be explained.

Semen Analysis
Semen Analysis for Male Infertility

The evaluation of male infertility is initially based on standardized methods. This involves checking for qualitative and quantitative features of sperm. This process is referred to as a semen analysis.

Mom's birth after prior miscarriage
IVF to Overcome Recurrent Miscarriages

Recurrent miscarriages require careful evaluation to determine the underlying cause of the problem. In vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer provides a powerful technology to both diagnose and treat the problem


Fertility & Lifespan Medical Institute
6386 Alvarado Ct., Suite 340
San Diego, CA 92120
Phone: 858-216-2096

Office Hours

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